Sunday, September 12, 2010


So I submitted a short story I wrote last year to a forum called The Slam on (I'll put the lick to it on here.) It was my first time submitting something, and only ten microfictions, poems, and creative nonfictions are put up each month. AND MINE WAS CHOSEN!!!!!!

Not only that, but today someone commented on my story (a.k.a. a slam) AND THEY LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!! AND I FELT AMAZING!!!!!!!

Hence, this poem/song came into my head. So I shall post it for you to read. And you, now knowing how feel when people comment, you should comment. I'm not saying you should, but it'd make a thoughtful present.

This is Something (To Live For)

Ecstasy as I see those words
Of high high praise
Words I have earned
Words that I worked hard for
Flying on these invisible wings
This is something to live for

I dance on nimble feet
Arms extended and elegant
The crowd cheers
As I leap across the stage
Music pulsing in my soul
This is something to live for

Warm in your embrace
Feeling safer than ever before
You tell me how beautiful I am
Support me when I am weak
Love pouring out of my heart
This is something to live for

Writing this song down
Putting feelings down on paper
Strumming softly on my guitar
Pounding my fingers on piano keys
Baring my soul on my sleeve
This is something to live for

Friday, September 3, 2010

For the first time ever............. A story.........

Ok. This my first time posting an original story on here. Don't be too harsh, but I would like to here your thoughts.


The pounding of my feet on the track is almost hypnotic, perfectly matching the rhythm of my breathing. My arms pump, pushing me forward. I pass a girl, who is struggling to keep up the pace, and smile. I may not be the best runner on the cross country team, but I never stop running, even when my legs hurt like hell. It doesn’t stop me. Pain has always been something I can ignore.

The hot summer sun burns down on the team and I, forced to run on the exposed track. No breeze runs through the forest surrounding us. Others stop after every lap to rest and drink some water. I don’t though. I like pushing my body to its limits. The coach calls out to me as I pass him, words of encouragement, I suppose. I can’t hear him, or, rather, I don’t hear him. When I run, I’m in my own little world, and nothing can penetrate it.

Or, so I thought.

My back suddenly explodes with pain. My concentration shattered, I cry out and fall to the ground. My body convulses uncontrollably. Why… Why me? I tell myself to get up, to get back to running, but I can’t. I can’t control my body. My legs jerk and twist of their own accord, my fingers digging into the flesh of my palms. My back arches and burns, as if something is trying to push its way out. I feel large, wet tears roll down my cheek.

I hear people gather around me, wondering what’s happening to me. I feel them watching me in horror, or fear, or pity. The pity burns just as much as my back. I don’t need their pity. I’m stronger than that. I try to get up again, to prove them that I’m fine, that I’m strong, that pity isn’t needed. But I can’t. The pain, the burning between my shoulders has killed my nerves. The skin stretches strangely, the something underneath trying to get out. It burns, and burns, and I scream.

I feel my skin and clothes ripping as the something finally comes out. I lay on the drenched ground, in shock, as the pain subsides to a dull ache. My body is soaked with blood and sweat. Feeling returns to my legs and arms, but I just stay on the ground, panting. My entire body feels as if I had just run a marathon. Cool air touches my now bare back. The crowd around me is silent. You would think they'd be asking me if I'm alright, my muddled mind wonders.

A strange pulsing sensation emanates from between my shoulder blades and beyond my back. It beats to the same pulse of my heart. I can feel grass behind me. But that's impossible. I'm lying on the gravel track. The closest patch of grass is a couple feet behind me. Something would have to be extending from my... my back.... Then it hits me. What came out of my back?!

I slowly extend one sore arm behind me and feel wet, sticky feathers. Feathers. I follow them up to my back, where it abruptly ends and my skin begins. My pulse beats underneath my fingers. Painfully, I sit up, and I feel new muscles extend and contract beyond my back. I turn my head to look over my shoulder, see what I fear might be true. Long, black-blue wings extend from my ragged back, covered in sweat and blood. My sweat and blood. I have wings.

The world spins around me, and fades into black. The word wings echoes in my mind. Too weak to resist, I slip into unconsciousness as I fall back onto the ground.

So that's it. I hoped you like it. I could continue it, but I'm not sure if I should. You tell me.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

3 songs that matter

So I was listening to my Christina Perri station on Pandora, and three songs came up that really spoke to me. The first one was called Beautiful Disaster and it's by Jon McLaughlin. It basically tells the story of a girl who is so beautiful in her own way but doesn't see it because of what she sees in magazines and such. It's so sad but has such a wonderful message. We girls need to fight back against the world telling us what is beautiful. I could care less about pop culture, but I still think I'm beautiful. Different, but beautiful.

The second song was Love Has No Color by Alisa Turner. I kinda forgot what it was about but I liked it.

Don't judge me.

The last song is called Farewell by Rosie Thomas. It's so sad, but wonderful. If you're heartbroken, you should definitely listen to it. It makes you feel better.

Yay for Pandora and new songs!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

On the topic of dance..........

If you don't know (which you probably don't) I have a deep love for dance. So You Think You Can Dance? is my favorite reality TV show, and, on a more recent topic, I have fallen in love with a web series (only available on Hulu) called The League of Extraordinary Dancers. LXD for short.

Two words people. Dance Fighting.

It's basically about two groups, the LXD and the Uprising. Obviously, the LXD are the good guys. Each of the recruits not only is absolutely fantastic at dancing, but also have some sort of power related to that style of dance. What's amazing about this show is that it tell stories just through dance. There's very little talking, except by the narrator at the beginning of every episode. And the music is AWESOME!!!!! And... And.... And...... Lil C (a choreographer from SYTYCD and a master of krump) is in it!!!!!! And..... And....... AND...... the Asian guy from Glee is in it!!!!!!!!!! (I also love Glee.)

I love this show so much. :).

The main point of this post, however, is not to discuss my love for the LXD and convincing you all to watch it (which you all should. Right now. This instant.). It's about the importance of us having dance heroes. I mean, think about it. All of the most famous dance heroes (Michael Jackson, Gene Kelly, etc.) have either died or made way for the world of pop stars. But these people could be our generation of dance heroes. The ones that inspire a new generation of dancers. All we have to do is watch, and support them. And, heck, that's not hard at all when you're watching the coolest thing you have ever seen.

I'll post a link to some of their performances. The TED one better explains what I was talking about.


Friday, August 27, 2010

Here goes nothing..........

This is going to be the blog that survives.

As in, I will not forget about it and write at least once a week.

Here, I shall post stories, poems, lyrics, what's on my mind, whatever. You can comment if you want (It would be great if you did. It makes me feel like I'm not just talking to myself). But this will be where I shoot off stories and I would like some feed back.

For example, I will probably post the first draft of what could be the first chapter of a new story I'm working on. Tell me what you think of it. I will also probably post pictures (if I draw them) of what the characters look like. Please don't criticize those as I know I am a sucky artist.

So, I hope you enjoy reading this blog.